Package Description
- Uses FiveM Asset Escrow System, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me!
- Security Cameras
- Add as many different cameras as you want
- By default 3 different types: faulty, default and advanced
- Items
- Cameras can be placed by using the camera item
- Destruction
- Shooting cameras can destroy them
- Configure if a cameras can be destroyed
- Configure if a camera can be repaired (if not, camera will be removed when destroyed)
- Destroyed cameras will show a black screen when viewing
- View types
- Static: Camera view can’t be moved
- Controllable: Camera view can be moved by a configurable amount
- 360: 360 view
- Nightvision
- Configure max fov
- Configure min fov
- Hacking
- Allows you to view cameras that you don’t have access to
- Configure if a camera should be hackable or not
- Configure a max distance you can be from a camera to hack it
- Jobs
- Restrict certain cameras to be placeable by certain jobs only
- Camera Tablet
- Shows camera ID, name and distance
- Search and filter
- View
- Add Access
- Add access to a certain player (with ID) or a certain job
- Specify minimum grade for job
- Players with access are able to view the camera
- Remove access
- Remove access from a player or a job
- Transfer Ownership
- Transfer ownership of a camera to another player
- Manage group
- Cameras in the same group can be switched between when in the camera view
- Repair
- Repair camera if it is destroyed
- Configure max distance for repairing
- Remove camera
- Remove camera, you can only remove your own cameras
- Configure max distance for removing
- Configure jobs that are able to remove cameras placed by everyone
- Rename camera
- Modern UI
- Optimised
- Supports ESX, QBCore and also ox_lib
- Discord logs
- English and Finnish translations by default, and you are able to translate everything yourself
es_extended or qb-core