
9.99 EUR

Package Description


Forum post


  • Well-optimized
    • 0.01ms | Idle
    • 0.02ms - 0.07ms | In usage
  • Uses FiveM Asset Escrow System, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!
  • Highly customizable
    • Change the amount of money you’ll get
    • Change cops needed to rob npcs
    • Change cooldown
    • & much more
  • How does it work?
    • You’ll need to go next to a NPC and press E
    • If you have a weapon in your hand the NPC will put its hands up and stay in place
    • You’ll need to intimidate the NPC for a configurable time
      • With a gun or a melee weapon, you will need to aim at the NPC and stay close enough
    • If you manage to intimidate the NPC for long enough, he will give you a configurable amount of money
      • [NEW] You can also add weapons and items as rewards for robbing NPCs
    • When robbing the NPC, there is also a small chance that the NPC will rob you (can be turned off)