
12.99 EUR

Package Description


Forum post


  • Well-optimized
    • 0.00 ms - 0.01 ms | Idle
    • 0.05 ms - 0.10 ms | In usage
  • Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system
  • Highly customizable
    • Change markers and blips
    • Change cops needed to rob houses
    • Change loot table
    • Change cooldowns & chances for police to alert
    • & much more
  • How does it work?
    • 631 different houses around the map that you can rob
    • When you go next to a house that you can rob, you will see a text to rob the house
    • There is a small lockpicking minigame and if you succeed, you will get teleported inside the house
    • When a door is lockpicked, everyone can go inside the house; police and non-police
    • You can search different places inside houses where you can find loot (loot can be changed in config)
    • There will also be a NPC and if you walk too much or start shooting he will wake up and alert the cops, he can also attack you
    • There is also a small chance that a dog will spawn outside which will also try to attack you