14.99 EUR
Package Description
- Well-optimized
- 0.01 ms | Idle
- 0.05 ms - 0.10 ms | In usage
- Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!
- Highly customizable
- Change how long it takes for shells, blood and fingerprints to disappear
- Change chance for shooter dna to be in bullet shells
- Change durations for events
- & much more
- Exports
- exports.esx_tk_evidence:GSRTest()
- exports.esx_tk_evidence:SaveFingerprint(coords)
- Leave fingerprints at certain coords
- How does it work? (watch video above for a good understanding)
- Shooting a gun will leave bullet shells at ground
- Getting shot or hit with a melee weapon will leave blood at ground
- Fingerprints can be left a various places (You need to add the export to code you want to add fingerprints to)
- Police and other players can see all evidence on ground with a flashlight (weapon neeeded to see evidence can be changed)
- Police can pick up and analyze evidence
- Analyzing a bullet shell for example will show the time the gun was shot, the weapon that was shot and the shooter of the weapon if there is DNA in the bullet shell
- Shooting a weapon will also leave gunpowder traces on your hand
- Police can do a GSR test either with a command (/gsr) or with an GSR test kit item
- Gunpowder traces can be washed off in water or with a GSR cloth item