
14.99 EUR

Package Description

Forum post


  • Well-optimized

    • 0.00 ms | Idle
    • 0.05 ms | In usage
  • Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!

  • Features

    • On every laptop in the map, you can access the darkweb
      • To access it, you will also need an USB stick
    • Once you have the USB stick you can manage the darkweb where you can purchase various items and weapons (all these can be managed in the config)
    • Every item is the same for all players
      • If a player purchases a certain item from the darkweb, it will be removed from all players
    • Once you make a purchase, you will get a location
    • At the GPS location,  there will be an NPC and one of two things will happen:
      • He will sell you the item
      • He will rob you for a configurable amount of money
    • You can edit all the items, add new categories, change between cash and black money, manage NPC coords and models, change rob chance & much more
