Package Description
- Well-optimized
- 0.00 ms | Idle
- 0.06 ms | In usage (The draw text uses most of this)
- Uses FiveM Asset Escrow system, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!
- Features
- Player selects a drug and gives a price
- NPC will give a counter offer if asked price is not higher than set in config
- The amount of drugs the NPC will buy depends on the player’s price
- NPC’s counter offer’s price will be lower than the player’s
- Player can accept or deny the NPC’s offer
- NPCs have a configurable chance of calling the cops, which includes an animation
- NPCs can rob the player (also configurable)
- Can’t sell to the same NPC after selling to them once
- Simple mode
- Also includes a “simple mode” where the NPC will just buy a set amount of drugs for a random price between a min and a max value set in config
- You can add more items, change prices & amounts, configure amount of police needed, change rob chance and amount & much more