Uses FiveM Asset Escrow System, but if there is anything you would like to get changed or added to the editable file, contact me and I can probably change it!
There are in total over 100 garages you can rob by default
There are 4 possible interiors for the garages
Garages have a cooldown and you can also add a player specific cooldown for robbing garages
You will need a lockpick to rob garages
Once you start, there will be a lockpicking minigame
Once inside, you’ll need to disable the alarm
Disabling the alarm has a minigame
If you don’t disable it, police will get an alert
You can search different places inside
Some places have a minigame and they also have better loot
Other players can also enter the garage and loot etc. is synced between players
Uses default GTA IPLs and works with OneSync Legacy & Infinity
You can change the loot, edit the notification and alerts, change chances for alerts & much more