Package Description
- Uses FiveM Asset Escrow System
- Sprays
- Place sprays using an item or command (/spray)
- When used, opens a spray menu where you can choose spray text, color and font
- Configure blacklisted/whitelisted words, min/max length, etc.
- Shows preview of text
- Colorpicker, shows 6 recently used colors
- By default 12 fonts (10 custom), you can add more
- After confirming, place text on any wall (can only be placed on even surfaces)
- Place unlimited sprays and up to 14 at the same time on screen (FiveM natives limitations)
- Configurable time after which a spray will automatically “decay”/be removed
- Animation for spraying
- Spray Removing
- Remove sprays using an item or command (/removespray)
- Will start removing the closest spray if player is near
- Animation for removing spray
- Admin Menu
- Open admin menu using /sprayadmin
- Shows all sprays placed (shows text and distance)
- Teleport to spray
- Remove spray
- Clean UI
- Optimised
- Idle 0.00 ms, when drawing spray 0.01 ms
- Supports ESX, QBCore and also ox_lib, also works completely standalone
- Discord logs
- English and Finnish translations by default, and you are able to translate everything yourself